Tenants Insurance: A Wise Decision!
Tenants insurance is often overlooked in the process of renting a home. Taking over utilities, planning a move, and changing over addresses are some of the tasks faced when re-locating, but getting insurance should be at the top of your priorities!
Most people that rent are under the impression that the owner has insurance and therefore they do not need it. This is partly true. The owner will have the building insured against fire and floods etc., however that insurance doesn’t cover you if you are found to be at fault. It also doesn’t cover damages to your possessions (clothing, electronics, furniture etc.) or your neighbours in a condo or apartment building. Contents and Liability insurance in most instances, are a condition of the lease throughout the lease term. Calling around before you move to get quotes takes little effort and the cost is very affordable.
The Insurance Bureau of Canada provides some excellent information on this topic and we encourage you to have a look at their site. If you need a recommendation on who to call to obtain insurance, Harrison Carter Group Inc. can help you. The following link will provide you with more information.